Trailblazer Survey

Before you look at the results, if we could just get a minute of your time to help us, we'd very much love to get some feedback from you to make next year's race even better than this one. If you've already filled out this survey, click here to move on to the results.


Email address:

Please note: we are asking for your email address so we can send you a notice next year to remind you about next year's Trailblazer race. We absolutely will not use your email address for any other purpose, nor will we give, sell, rent, or otherwise make available your email address to any other individual, organization, company, etc.


We didn't send out numbers in advance this year. If you registered in advance, how did you feel about this?


How did you hear about the race? Please select the method that was most effective in reaching you if more than one apply:

Who Are You:

Most of our participants are in one of three groups. Even if you belong to more than one of these groups, select the group that you think you are primarily associated with (as far as the Trailblazer Race is concerned):

Race Course:

Any comments on this year's course?

Which event did you do?

Food and water:

Was there enough food water (before, during, and after the race or walk), and enough different types of things, as far as you were concerned? Did we run out of anything before you got it?


We switched to a design this year with a picture on the back of the T-shirt, and a small "breast-pocket" logo on the front.

Comments on the general design, design colors, T-shirt color, T-shirt material:

One proposal for next year is to give away something else, possibly a running cap, possibly a reusable cloth bag, instead of a T-shirt. What's your reaction to this?

Did you get the right size T-shirt? (if not, please use the "Final Thoughts" below to tell us what size you didn't get)

Prize Drawings:

Comments on the prizes we drew? Do they help bring you to the race? Did we have too many? Too few? Not enough "good stuff"?

Youth Events:

Last year we had short races for kids; this year we had games of various types. If your children took part (or if you have children who might take part in the future), let us know what you think:

Final Thoughts:

Anything else you want to say? Here's your chance: