Thank You to all you runners, walkers, volunteers, & Families that came out to the 2009 Friends of Stevens Creek Trail Trailblazer Race presented by Microsoft!

Results are now posted on the links at the side here. If you don't find yourself in the listing, it could be that you were "turkey tagged" which is what happens when your race bib isn't visible. The race timers record your bib number when you cross the line, and again when you reach the end of the chute. Logging the data from the end of the chute takes a little longer. Email us and we can check and, hopefully, find your time. I can also place your time pretty closely from your finishing picture.

Speaking of pictures, they are being gathered up and uploaded and they should be linked up by tonight, but it may be a couple days be for all of the hundreds from multiple photographers make it onto the website. With luck, we will be able to provide some index into all of those pictures to assist you in finding one of you, your friends and family members.

Thank You all, again.