About the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail List of Categories
What does FoSCT stand for? I see it all over your website!
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail. After you type it dozens of times, you need that nice 5 letter abbreviation :-)
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What is the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail's mission and role?
Our official Mission Statement can be found at the top of this page and the Home Page.
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Is there a Board of Directors and staff?
What are their roles?
Are new members needed?
For the latest on our organization, go to our Organization page where you can see our current staff and board members.
The FoSCT is run by a board of directors, authorized to be up to 13 people.
New members are always wanted and your level of participation can be tailored to your abilities and interest. Those with a keen interest in advocacy, organizing, promoting or planning are encouraged to discuss board positions with us. Email the Executive Director
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How is the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail funded?
The Friends of Stevens Creek Trail is funded through donations from people like you and by our annual fundraising Trailblazer Race held the last Sunday in September.
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Are gifts tax deductible?
The Friends of Stevens Creek Trail is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, so gifts are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult a tax professional for details pertaining to your own situation.
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Is there a booth receipt book for donations?
We usually have a receipt book with us when operating our booth, like at an Art and Wine Festival, so we can accept your donations nearly any time. You can also make donations through PayPal
online at any time.
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What are the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail's creek and habitat projects?
For the past several years we have partnered with Grassroots Ecology to run habitat restoration projects by our office at McClellan Ranch Preserve in Cupertino. For 2019-2020, these were held the 3rd Saturday of each month between November and May (except for during Shelter In Place).
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Are volunteers needed? What do they get to do?
YES! Activities vary with the season. Our two big volunteer events are an early spring Trail Work Day and the Trailblazer Race on the last Sunday in September. We can also use volunteers throughout the year to help with running the organization or positions on the Board of Directors.
Cupertino, Sunnyvale and Los Altos residents are also needed at various times throughout the year to participate in their Parks and Recreation Committee meetings and City Council Meetings. Visit the Trail Status page to sign up on our mailing list for your city.
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What is Friends of Stevens Creek Trail's position on trail alignments?
FoSCT does not take positions on trail alignments.
We have decided that having or expressing an opinion about a particular trail alignment could be detrimental to our primary goal of getting the trail built.
Many of the people involved with the organization do, as individuals, have some preferences and opinions, and may express these in various public and private forums, but they should always be certain to qualify their remarks as not being the opinion of FoSCT.
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